Police State
She’s baaaack… Nina Jankowicz Returns

She’s baaaack… Nina Jankowicz Returns

Jankowicz famously sang how “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation.” Once again, when it comes to the use of disinformation to effectively silence others, Nina Jankowicz remains “practically perfect in every way.”

Order, Not Law and Order

Order, Not Law and Order

Warrior-cops: America’s forever wars are coming home, and heavily-armed and -armored police forces will ensure order. They are here to protect and serve those who give them their orders which, if you’re reading this, probably isn’t you.

The Hate Police

The Hate Police

Hopkins: If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows J.K. Rowling, please give her my best regards, and tell her I said … well, basically, “Fuck the Hate Police!”

The CIA Does “Soulful Work”

The CIA Does “Soulful Work”

Contemplating U.S. history for the past fifty-five plus years confirms the continuity of government policy for war and economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the working class and massacre the innocent around the world.

Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare

Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare

Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expanding conflicts into a new domain — the brain — while perhaps forever changing humans’ relationship with machines.