
Self-care: Time for some nourishment

by | Jul 7, 2022

Standing up for truth demands tender loving self-care.

I’ve noticed via comments here and elsewhere, that many are feeling exhausted and despondent at the state of things. The reasons for this are various.

Many of you have been doing what you can to raise awareness about what is happening. Over the last two years or more, you have spoken up, signed petitions, forwarded research to loved ones, challenged schools, employers, healthcare settings and politicians who are demanding draconian measures. Many of you also keep abreast of developments in your own countries and around the world, studying the latest research, listening to podcasts, reading and learning, week after week.

Whether you’ve done much or done little, you are making a positive difference in the world. As you continue to stand strong, it is also important that you take very good care of yourselves.

We are living in a time where normal behaviours have become acts of defiance – whether going out without a face mask, attending school without first sticking a swab up the nose, or even hugging someone we love. Simply engaging in normal behaviour these days can feel stressful – especially if you are the only one in your immediate environment doing so.

recent survey of 300,000 unvaccinated people worldwide reveals that this group, while most likely to engage in self-care, has also experienced a considerable mental health burden, possibly aggravated by their social stigmatisation. I mention this due to the close correlation of vaccination status to health activism – but also want to acknowledge all those courageous people who are vaccinated and fighting just as hard as anyone against tyranny.

I am also thinking of those who still believe the authorities have their best interests at heart, and who accepted lockdown measures and vaccinations in good faith. This group is increasingly coming into contact with the truth that conflicts entirely with the received narrative.

Only this week, the Wall Street Journal ran a piece titled ‘Why the Rush for Toddler Vaccines?’ which detonates several truth bombs, including “we don’t know if the vaccines are safe and effective” and “triple-vaccinated adults who were previously infected with the Wuhan variant have a weaker immune response to Omicron, leaving them more susceptible to infection.”

As cracks increasingly form in people’s worldview, the fall-out may be too much for many to bear. And between both of these perspectives sit that most maligned and misunderstood group, the vaccine-injured. Speaking with members of UK CV Family, I am hearing that many are experiencing depression and are suicidal.

These strange times call for exceptional self-care. If we are to help others, we must ensure we are fit and well, in body and mind. Think of this not as an indulgence, but as good medicine.

What is it that truly allows you to enter a state of relaxation and flow? It is different for everyone, of course – and I have shared my own tips here and here for inspiration.

With this in mind, I also warmly encourage everyone to tune in to this Sunday’s Tess Talks with Robito Chatwin.

In our conversation, Robito shares his own experience of depression and suicidal ideation, and how he was able to become well through meditation and hypnotherapy. Now a full-time meditator and hypnotherapist, Robito started Covid Positive News a few months ago on Telegram to help others step away from fear and engage in building a better way. He is also an active member of the Mind Health Committee of the World Council for Health.

I found it very interesting talking to Robito: he is another individual with a myriad of life experiences, whose personal liberation towards happiness came when he stepped away from the worry of what others may think of him, leaving employment, relationships, town and country to conquer his fears.  Not that one needs to go anywhere to find happiness: one just needs to create the space and find the courage to step into the unknown, trusting that it will be ok.

Among other things, the World Council for Health Connection Room holds online guided meditations every Friday, which are led by different members, including Robito from time to time. Why not join and give group meditation a go? You can join this Telegram chat to receive reminders about Connection Room events. Time for some nourishment, some self-care.

In the meantime, I hope you will join me and Robito for Tess Talks this Sunday at 10:30am BST.

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