Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
‘Western Values’ Are A Big Jerk-Off Fantasy

‘Western Values’ Are A Big Jerk-Off Fantasy

We crush individuality, censor speech, brainwash with propaganda, imprison and torture dissident journalists, tyrannize, terrorize, bomb, invade, rob, oppress and exploit. “Western values” are nothing but a propaganda construct.

30 Questions for a Narrative Believer

30 Questions for a Narrative Believer

Did you know three quarters of the media’s advertising budget comes from pharmaceutical companies; the US government funneled a billion dollars to the media to propagate the COVID narrative?

US aid to Ukraine invested in crypto FTX scheme

US aid to Ukraine invested in crypto FTX scheme

The sudden collapse of a crypto exchange linked to the Democratic Party in the US, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 billion in liabilities and virtually no assets. And among those liabilities, are “investments” made by Ukraine’s leadership clique.

Technocracy and Totalitarianism

Technocracy and Totalitarianism

States as instruments of world-spanning corporations, which operate like fiefdoms, is an apt definition of corporatism—the melding of state and corporate power—which coincides perfectly with Mussolini’s original definition of fascism.

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination: False

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination: False

Imagine if the Holocaust had been depicted similarly. No Nuremberg trial, no Aftermath Agencies, no awareness campaigns, no guided tours to Auschwitz, no Remembrance Day on January 27th. Just a quiet word of advice to leave the tragedy behind and move on.

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