Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?

What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?

Thankfully, you are immune to their spells, and you can try to shake others out of their W.H.O.PNOSIS by adding your voice to the hundreds of millions of others who are ready to #StopTheWHO, #ExitTheWHO, and #ScrewTheWHO.

From wounded Latin America, a demand to end to the war on drugs

From wounded Latin America, a demand to end to the war on drugs

The War on Drugs strategy, initiated by the United States and Western countries, has had a two-pronged approach to the drug crisis: first, to criminalise retailers in Western countries and, second, to go to war against the peasants who produce the raw material in these drugs in countries such as Colombia.

Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory

Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory

A federal court has ruled that a QR code alone is not an adequate GMO disclosure, and will need to be accompanied by a disclosure option accessible to all Americans. Significant problems remain, but this is an important victory.

New Zealand’s PM Wants More Online Censorship

New Zealand’s PM Wants More Online Censorship

This notion that it is the job of “leaders” to involve themselves in regulating the ideas and information we’re allowed to share with each other online needs to be stomped out, dissolved in acid, and flushed down the toilet.

Deafening Silences: Censorship, Smearing And Coercion

Deafening Silences: Censorship, Smearing And Coercion

The most important part of any propaganda campaign is the drive to ensure that certain voices, claims and arguments either never see the light of day or otherwise remain contained within “fringe” or “alternative” circles.

The Return of Fascism

The Return of Fascism

As in the 1930s, a bankrupt liberalism, grotesque social inequality and declining living standards are empowering fascist movements in Europe and the U.S.

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