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In Rockefeller’s speech, he used the political divide, untrusting citizens in government and institutions, the so-called pandemic, and of course “science,” as the need to usher in this new spirituality in education.
2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training Part 2: Programming by Corey Lynn Dec 21, 2021 uch like the world of eugenics, changing their phrasing each decade to disguise their true intentions while carrying out the same...
Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb?
Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19 genetic vaccines, Unfavorable safety profile. Protection not sufficiently complete or durable. Censorship and reprisal are working to crush freedom of speech, scientific discourse and medical progress
The experimenters filled a trailer, specially fitted with heaters capable of bringing the temperatures inside to lethal levels, with pigs, and turned the heat on. The experimenters wanted to know how long it would take for the pigs to die. The answer, for some of them, was over an hour.
Editors of The British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the world’s oldest and most respected medical journals, have written an open letter to Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg to bring to his attention an “incorrect” fact-check on one of its reports.
Stuckelberger said she did not view herself as a whistleblower, but an expert in public health, medicine and science. But the Gates’ minions have declared war on her.
Perpetual doomsayer Bill Gates has called for censoring social media in his latest effort to combat so-called “disinformation”.
What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Dec 19, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is among the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it's antiquated and...
If the end of Covid bullying is not an inevitability, then what is it? It is a choice. It is precisely the initiatory moment in which the victim—that is, the public—discovers its power.
How Herbert Marcuse’s widow used a Scientology-linked cult’s methodology to gamify Identity Politics and thus helped steer the U.S. Left down the dead-end path of identitarian psychobabble.
A global network of stakeholder capitalist partners are collaborating to usher in what they claim to be a new model of enhanced democratic accountability that includes “civil society”. However, beneath their deceptive use of the term civil society lies an ideology which offers this network an unprecedented degree of political control that threatens to extinguish representative democracy entirely.