Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
The Swine Flu Fiasco of 1976—60 Minutes with Mike Wallace

The Swine Flu Fiasco of 1976—60 Minutes with Mike Wallace

The swine flu never developed into the global pandemic that health experts predicted, and vaccinations were halted two months after they began following reports that 500 people who received the shot developed a paralyzing nerve disease. 30 of those victims later died from damages allegedly caused by the shot.

The Road to Totalitarianism

The Road to Totalitarianism

We have watched as the New Normal transformed our societies into paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopias where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy their groceries.

Joe Biden’s Blue Shirts Will Be Knocking at Your Door

Joe Biden’s Blue Shirts Will Be Knocking at Your Door

Biden: “I think the door-knockers should look official..not cops or military, at first, but, you know, official. I think they need cool uniforms, sort of.. what’s the word I’m looking for…quasi military. And the uniforms should be blue…yeah…Democrat blue.”

Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment

Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment

Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment. Ivory Hecker, Houston Fox26 reporter was banned from reporting on Dr. Joseph Varon, who leads the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in Houston, has been trying to get the word out about it since the start of the pandemic.

Kiss the Ground

Kiss the Ground

The problem with this “solution” film is that it doesn’t offer any real solutions. While the overall concept is a good one and this film serves as a good introduction to the concept that restoring and revitalizing farmland will help to reverse climate change, it has no idea how to get there.

Biden Now Bombing Poorest People On Earth

Biden Now Bombing Poorest People On Earth

This about says it all. Biden now bombing poorest people on earth. What are the “push Biden” left liberals doing? They’re having brunch. Every time you vote for a democrat, you’re voting against your interests.

The Vaccine Aristocrats

The Vaccine Aristocrats

Covid-19 cases are rising, but the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” blame-game campaign is the worst way to address the problem.

Raw Milk as Medicine

Raw Milk as Medicine

In the U.S., raw milk was used for one hundred fifty years to treat a wide range of conditions and is still used today in some hospitals in European and other countries.

Mark Crispin Miller Violates the Three Rules of Propaganda

Mark Crispin Miller Violates the Three Rules of Propaganda

In this interview, professor Mark Crispin Miller, Ph.D., provides us with a startling example of a crackdown on academic freedom, with dire implications for free speech in America today. Ironically, it was his teaching students how to question propaganda, and to resist it, that brought on the curtailment of his academic freedom, after over 20 years of teaching that important subject at New York University.

SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected.

SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected.

After examining corona virus patent applications since 1999, Dr. David E. Martin concludes that SARS-CoV-2 is neither novel, nor unexpected given the pharmaceutical industries’ 20-year desire to create a vaccine to treat it. “You need to create the illusion of demand and there’s nothing right now that does a better job of creating that illusion than creating the urgency by an event that you have manufactured.”

Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism

Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism

Whitney Webb joins James Corbett to discuss the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade. 2030 is coming!

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