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Built to fight foreign terrorists, our Domestic Department of Everything sees the budget-conscious American with a vote as the greatest threat.
The Biden administration has a deep-seated interest in a stable Middle East. The Netanyahu government, however, seems to be “willing to set the region ablaze,” as one Israeli columnist recently observed.
The Russiagate myth persists. It is useful in so many ways for those in the U.S. who still want to ratchet up even more tension with Russia and for a political party to perhaps again explain away an election loss if it happens in November.
Pay close attention to the political conventions for presidential candidates, and it becomes immediately evident that Americans have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into worshiping a political idol manufactured by the Deep State.
Whole of society is a totalizing form of politics. As the name implies, it discards the traditional separation of powers and demands political participation from corporations, civic groups, and other nonstate actors.
The modern world entails a “compulsion to authenticity;” the bringing of the self under the reign of the market-economic worldview such that we must produce identities much as we produce anything else.
Because Trump
While the ruling stops short of detailing the potential penalties Google may face, it raises significant questions about the future operational landscape for Google’s search engine business. An appeal from Google is anticipated.
Terror of self-sufficiency grips the New York Times editorial page, and comedy ensues.
Putin invaded Ukraine not because he was an imperialist bent on making Ukraine part of a greater Russia, but mainly because of NATO expansion and the West’s efforts to make Ukraine a Western stronghold on Russia’s border.
Speculative derivatives are a form of “financialization” – money making money without producing anything. The winners just take money from the losers.
The global criminocrats can’t have people clinging to old-fashioned beliefs in the importance of local community, culture and connection to place!