Who’s Running This Country?
Joe Biden is too incapacitated to run for re-election, but plans to stay in office. What the hell is going on?
How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power
This endless series of diversions, distractions and political drama is the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
The People’s Court of New Normal Germany
The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for Hopkins’ next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, his first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with his acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting him on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany.
Social Distancing – Why They want You Isolated and Alone
Tyrants and totalitarians in the 20th century, and into the modern day, have attempted to isolate and atomize individuals, in order to make them easier to control.
Exposing The Great Osteoporosis Scam
How conventional osteoporosis care often makes things worse and the forgotten ways to regain bone health.
The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: Peter Thiel
While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.
Deliberate dispossession and our struggle for autonomy
The contemporary left’s love of industrialism seems to have been based on the mistaken belief that, in using machines to exploit the forces of nature, industrialism was not exploiting human beings.
Major News Outlet Urges Media to Bury Iconic Trump Photo
The notion that the publication of such a powerful image could serve as inadvertent promotion overlooks the public’s right to witness and interpret pivotal moments in the political arena.
6 Viral Misconceptions and Clickbait
There are countless psychological campaigns rolling out simultaneously, most of which are done to induce fear and cognitive dissonance while other goals are achieved.
Astronomers Lose, California Wins
The court ruled that satellite launches and deployment, no matter how many, “are deemed individually and cumulatively to have no significant effect on the quality of the human environment and are categorically excluded from environmental processing.”
The Civil War Simulation
If you think this all ends with America Made Great Again, or Palestine Free, or with Elon Musk marching into the White House with a bathroom sink, or some other “revolutionary” fantasy, well, it doesn’t.
Freedom in Time (Chrono-Politics, Part 2)
Leisure is only possible in the assumption that man is not only in harmony with himself but also that he is in agreement with the world and its meaning. Leisure lives on affirmation.