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Mr. Hopkins’ story is not about the differences between the German and American freedom-of-speech protections. It is about the authorities prosecuting government critics on fabricated charges, banning books, and censoring political speech.
Hawai’i Unites Founder Tina Lia talks with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty about harmful government policies and the rise of the biomedical security state.
Corporate bioinputs are part of the false solutions to the climate crisis, wrapped in the new “green” packages of regenerative agriculture and agriculture digitalisation.
The entire ‘Great Reset’ program is being implemented by people like you and me who take orders without pondering the significance of their particular order and how it fits into the wider Elite program, just like the person putting together a bullet in a factory doesn’t ponder who will be killed by it.
Anti-authoritarians used to say there was a policeman inside of each of our heads and we had to kill that policeman. We did. He was substituted by a boss inside our head. No boss can drive us like we can drive ourselves.
Almost a quarter-century later, the goals and messages behind the WTO protest have been proven correct. Corporate globalization has been a disaster for workers, the poor, and the planet.
Concern about government increasingly relying on commercial companies, which handle extensive data collection. The business models of some companies include a lot of government data, and you see the CEO reportedly earning over a billion-dollar salary.
The magicians and alchemists of the corporate food industry have cleverly disguised this ingredient and sing its praises. If you are waiting for mainstream media to undertake an in-depth investigative report on this topic, you will be waiting a long time.
The Israeli army uses the veneer of internal accountability to fend off external criticism. But its record reveals how few perpetrators are punished.
It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings.
How tinkering with plant genetics could lead to devastating human health and ecological consequences as genetic engineers eliminate plants’ ability to cry for help. Action Alert.
Being able to think freely and to not have to self censor because of the fear of disagreement or giving ‘offence’ is actually very liberating!