Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
The Minds of Desperate Men

The Minds of Desperate Men

French President Emmanuel Macron, in the role of a modern Romeo, after learning of the demise of his true love, Ukraine, decides to commit suicide by encouraging the dispatch of NATO troops to Ukraine to confront Russia militarily.

Our Quest for Freedom: Becoming

Our Quest for Freedom: Becoming

We do not have to remain forever trapped in that lower state of being and each of us can take steps, on the individual level, to shed the grey skin of modern mediocrity and emerge in triumph as a man or woman born of nature.

What is gene editing ?

What is gene editing ?

On the one hand, the imprecision in DNA repair is exploited to destroy the function of a native gene, as intended. On the other hand, it can result in unintended DNA damage (mutations).

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