Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn

Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn

Thierry Breton wants Americans to police speech at his say-so? He can put on his tri-cornered hat, sail over here, and make us. Right? Doesn’t anyone have a spine anymore?

Fast-Food Graveyard – Sickened for Profit

Fast-Food Graveyard – Sickened for Profit

For the likes of BlackRock, which invests in both food and pharma, fuelling a system increasingly based on ultra processed food (UPF) with its cheap and unhealthy ingredients is a sure-fire money spinner.

How Big Pharma Bought The Federal Government

How Big Pharma Bought The Federal Government

by A Midwestern Doctor | Oct 10, 1023 Story at a Glance The gross malfeasance observed throughout COVID-19 has opened many people’s eyes to the immense corruption within our government This corruption has been gradually growing over decades, and at this point numerous...

utopian thinking goes to war

utopian thinking goes to war

if your nation cannot support a volunteer military willing to defend it, then what does that say about both your country and the fights it picks?

Resisting global tyranny: the golden chain of tradition

Resisting global tyranny: the golden chain of tradition

In truth, our freedom-affirming anti-globalist energy must necessarily go beyond the question of national independence to target the structures and impositions within that national framework which are the root source of global exploitation.

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