Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Banks, Felons & Jeffrey Epstein

Banks, Felons & Jeffrey Epstein

JPMorgan Chase is accused of transferring more than $1.1 million from convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein to “girls or women.” If so, where were his “suspicious activity” reports?

They’re Baaaaaack!!

They’re Baaaaaack!!

They may believe if they just ring that bell, people will start salivating like Pavlov’s dog. So far, all we are hearing is the ringing bell: new mask mandates, a new call to vaccinate, new variants (without all the infections and deaths).

The Looting Conspiracy

The Looting Conspiracy

We will take matters into our own hands, eschew the big corporations and government, and create (and police) our own marketplace of free human beings.

California’s Heat-Pump Fantasy

California’s Heat-Pump Fantasy

Regulators move to phase out gas furnaces for an electric-powered appliance that will raise costs, cause more climate damage per pound than carbon—and won’t even keep people warm.

a republic, if you can keep it

a republic, if you can keep it

the greatest threat to liberty is not elected government, it’s the permanent state that has increasingly come to dominate it and shade our perceptions of reality

Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination

Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination

There are more than a dozen federal bills dealing with PFAS “forever chemical” contamination, but none meaningfully address the real problems with these chemicals or protect public health. We need to demand more.

Elections Are Bad for Our Democracy

Elections Are Bad for Our Democracy

A recent article in the New York by a senior WEF agenda contributor, Adam Grant, a Wharton management expert and an adviser to Bill Gates, says, “Elections are Bad for Democracy.”

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