Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
The Secret History of Neoliberalism

The Secret History of Neoliberalism

Neoliberalism establishes a tollbooth over the essential systems necessary for human survival. This system enables the rich class of oligarchs to use their exclusive capture of assets, assets which the rest of us need, to ensure that we pay way over the odds to them in order to use those assets.

Disinformation Isn’t the Problem

Disinformation Isn’t the Problem

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, the war on COVID-19: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns only to become weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands.

Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany

Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany

If you criticize the government, or if you compare the government to Nazi Germany, and if you do that using your book-cover art featuring a swastika behind a Covid mask, then you’re absolutely officially a “hate criminal,” and an “anti-Semite,” and a “trivializer of the Holocaust.”

Green Jobs or Greenwashing?

Green Jobs or Greenwashing?

Behind each piece of green technology is extraction. A recent International Energy Agency report estimates that reaching “net zero” by 2050 would require six times the amount of minerals used today.

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