The Voice of the System
The Voice of the System invariably condemns the objects of its hatred as morally bad and connected to everything else that it has already declared to be beyond the political pale.
Toward some semblance of sanity
The revolution we seek does not merely aim to replace the gatekeepers at the top (although we certainly aspire to that as well). We seek a revolution in values and perspectives.
The CIA Should Get Out of the Laboratory
The CIA has proven time and time again that it can’t be trusted. It will simply push the envelope into the realm of illegality if it thinks it can get away with it. And the Congressional oversight committees have proven that they will act as little more than cheerleaders for the CIA.
A corporate triumph named multistakeholderism
Sustainable development goals are negotiated between governments. But those governments who have the capacity and the money for doing it didn’t put up the money, are not putting up the money. Because they’re leaving the door open for corporate philanthropies and individual firms to decide how to fund the future needs.
The End of Progressive Intellectual Life
The centralized and authoritarian control of American progressivism by major foundations and the nonprofits that they fund, and the large media institutions, universities, corporations, and banks that disseminate the progressive party line, has made it impossible for there to be public intellectuals on the American center left.
Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs
Australia has logged 140,000 COVID jab injuries — more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971 — yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) refuses to look at or acknowledge the safety signal.
From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness
Totalitarian paranoia spiked. What we have been saddled with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it has conspired to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority.
Fake Virtue with Alan Watts
Alan Watts never claims to have any answers. He merely takes you on a journey, exploring curiosities and conundrums of the human condition. You may find some meaning in the journey, you may not.
The Democrats are Now the War Party
The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with with nuclear war.
What Can We Learn From “Cause Unknown?”
Dowd and many of the other well-known faces in this movement anecdotally recognized an extremely concerning trend was emerging, verified it was real and then broke from the safety of the herd to warn everyone about what was happening.
FTX’s collapse mirrors 18th century British financial scandal
A tradition of loose oversight and regulations has been the hallmark of Anglo-American capitalism. If the response to the 2008 financial crash is any indication of what will come in the wake of FTX’s collapse, it’s possible that some bad actors, like Bankman-Fried, will be punished.
Trust the Science?
Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health.