Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
They’re Just not Jaded

They’re Just not Jaded

The story of economic growth over the last centuries is the story of a conversion on non-monetized forms of wealth—call them natural, social, cultural, and spiritual capital—into monetized goods and services.

The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?

The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?

In the UK “the electorate” empowers people who are corrupt and/or stupid. This is a democratic principle which the government then protects on the international stage, currently by sending Eastern Europeans to their deaths.

Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War

Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War

There’s no logical basis for the belief that we’ll get lucky again. Believing nuclear war won’t happen because it didn’t happen last time is a type of fallacious reasoning known as normalcy bias; it’s as rational as believing Russian roulette is safe because the man handing you the pistol didn’t blow his head off when he pulled the trigger.

The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth

The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth

Everything in the editorial is disingenuous. Simple propaganda: the good guys against the bad guys. Putin another Hitler. The good guys are winning, just as they did in Vietnam, until reality dawned and it had to be admitted they weren’t (and didn’t). History is repeating itself.

The Game Is Over and They Have Lost

The Game Is Over and They Have Lost

“Yet because of poor messaging from officials, many people may not even realize the US is experiencing a surge.” A surge of what? A normal seasonal flu that makes people feel a bit under the weather for a week? A bad cold-vid?

Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens

Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens

Vladimir Putin was also a WEF Young Global Leader. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the WEF and man with the plan to discard rule by the people in favor of rule by corporate interests, bragged that Putin was a member of his Young Global Leaders program.

Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked

Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked

There’s a concerted effort to frame transhumanism — which is really the new eugenics — as health care. Joint ventures involving Big Tech, Big Pharma and the security state typically focus on products and services that normalize and further the transhumanist agenda.

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