Today is a special anniversary: Event 201
It was not merely the event itself that is the coincidence. It’s also everyone and everything surrounding the event, including the discovery of the “viruses” and also the use of censorship to cure it.
Christine Massey: “Don’t trust Public Health.”
In early 2020, the Canadian biostatistician Christine Massey realised that something was wrong with the COVID-19 story. She was motivated to commence investigations into virology and the claimed evidence for the existence of ‘SARS-CoV-2’.
No Pandemic
Germ theory and virology are not the result of solid scientific explorations or groundbreaking discoveries. Instead, they’re the products of political maneuvering, established by some of the most unscrupulous scientific and political actors of their time.
Let’s cut the crap on gene technology
Society should be asking itself why it needs to trade the security of its regulations for unsecured promises from the visions of genetic engineers, argues molecular biologist Jack Heinemann.
ViroLIEgy 101: Logical Fallacies
Mr. Stone found that when confronting defenders of virology with criticisms of the field’s inherently fallacious logic, they often resort to the same flawed reasoning embedded within its foundational experiments.
UK Geoengineering: The Chemtrail Paper Trail – Part I
Geoengineering was already underway before this report was issued in 2010. In the usual paternalistic style of these memos from our overlords, we are assured that this testing has been “very small scale”.
How Congress destroyed American science and medicine
We need to rebuild American science and medicine from the ground up.
RFK Jr. Drops out of Presidential Race, Disavows Lab Leak Theory
The candidate, activist and author has endorsed Tom Cowan for president and said that the virus is a ‘political creation made in a computer’. Nicole Shanahan confirms relevant facts.