The Science™
Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of “Covid” are a fiction, that there was no “pandemic” and no “novel virus” and no “lab leak,” the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.

The Reproducibility Crisis in Science

The Reproducibility Crisis in Science

It has long been known that experimenters can influence their experimental results through their expectations, in so-called ‘experimenter expectancy effects’, which is why many clinical trials, psychological and parapsychological experiments are carried out under blind or double-blind conditions.

The Green New Death

The Green New Death

At what point will we collectively realize that climate catastrophism is the new face of a very old death cult, and WE are the carbon they want to reduce?