The EU’s Mass Censorship Regime. Will It Go Global?

The EU’s Mass Censorship Regime. Will It Go Global?

Government censorship of public online discourse in the West’s ostensibly liberal democracies has been largely covert until now, as revealed by the Twitter Files. But thanks to the EU’s Digital Services Act, it is about to become overt. 

The Self-Made Man Is A Myth

The Self-Made Man Is A Myth

The “self-made man” is a myth of our culture; that anyone who amasses a fortune does so on the backs of many other people whose work made it possible, and found the opportunity to do so because of the circumstances they happened upon by chance of birth, conditioning and sheer dumb luck.

Do We Live in a Brave New World?

Do We Live in a Brave New World?

Human beings will be born and bred in conditions of technocratic servitude that they will not challenge or resist, because it will be a servitude that most of them love and defend.

Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes

Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes

Reuters fact checked a joke. Either they don’t have a sense of humour—highly likely—or believe that no one else has a sense of humour and needs every joke explained to them—even more likely—or Reuters fact checkers have disappeared so far up their own backsides that it is actually them who can’t discern reality—a nailed on certainty.

The Story of Pfizer Inc.

The Story of Pfizer Inc.

Pfizer’s portfolio of corporate crimes rivals that of the most corrupt companies in history. But that did not stop Pfizer from becoming a corporate celebrity with its COVID-19 vaccine.

Take That, Internet Censors!

Take That, Internet Censors!

“If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA

If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA

It should be crystal clear now, after at least eight years of this, that the failure of officialdom to recognize legitimate popular grievances on a huge range of topics is what’s driven voters to candidates like Trump, Sanders, and now Kennedy, Jr., Marianne Williamson, and even Cornel West, who’s already polled at 6% nationally.

The unfolding chemical disaster

The unfolding chemical disaster

We are being bombarded by human-made chemicals every day. There is increasing evidence that this chemical burden is overwhelming our internal biotransformation and detoxification capacity that has evolved over eons.

Matt Taibbi on the new censorship and blacklists

Matt Taibbi on the new censorship and blacklists

The Democratic members of the committee rarely let Taibbi speak. They delivered vicious and insulting diatribes, which were then broadcast on outlets such as MSNBC and CNN, part of the effort to further discredit Taibbi.

Sea Birds’ Last Refuges

Sea Birds’ Last Refuges

Now everyone is assuming that the birds nesting successfully this year have acquired immunity from the H5N1 influenza virus. But the areas chosen this year by the Sandwich terns are lower-radiation areas.

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