Zero Sum
Rich People Things

Rich People Things

The rich are different. The cocoon of wealth and privilege permits the rich to turn those around them into compliant workers, hangers-on, servants, flatterers, and sycophants.

I am the virus. What is my name?

I am the virus. What is my name?

I am the virus. A Dadaist mashup with Joseph Goebbels, Lothar Wieler, Bill Gates, Thomas Paine, Emma Goldman, Frank Zappa, Frederick Douglass, Phillip Dick, David Graeber, George Orwell, George R.R. Martin, Lenny Bruce, Chris Hedges, Albert Einstein, Vandana Shiva and Thomas Jefferson.

This Program Can Give AI a Sense of Ethics—Sometimes

This Program Can Give AI a Sense of Ethics—Sometimes

Researchers at OpenAI, a company working on cutting-edge AI tools, demonstrated a program that can predict, summarize, and auto-generate text with what often seems like remarkable skill, although it will also spit out biased and hateful language learned from text it has read.

The Rehearsal is Over and More

The Rehearsal is Over and More

A return to sanity? Sanity will not be restored for us by others. We are the ones that must restore it. We cannot wait for others to be brave on our behalf. We are here in this initiatory moment to choose who we are. The choice of whether to capitulate or to act is a declaration: Who am I to be?

America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy

America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy

Oligarchy or autocracy? There are no other alternatives. Neither are pleasant. Each has peculiar and distasteful characteristics. Each pays lip service to the fictions of democracy and constitutional rights.

Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism

Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism

Wolin wrote: “One cannot point to any national institution[s] that can accurately be described as democratic, surely not in the highly managed, money-saturated elections, the lobby-infested Congress, the imperial presidency, the class-biased judicial and penal system, or, least of all, the media.”

Responding to On the Media on Free Speech: FIRE’s So to Speak Podcast

Responding to On the Media on Free Speech: FIRE’s So to Speak Podcast

Taibbi and others respond to On the Media segment about the evils of so-called “free speech absolutism.” Filled with advocates for speech restrictions, and lacking any voices defending traditional speech rights, the program’s goals seemed to range from reminding listeners that John Stuart Mill is not only old and dead but wrong, to redefining “harm” as the central issue in speech debates.

Big Money, Creepy Technology & Cash Friday

Big Money, Creepy Technology & Cash Friday

Catherine Austin Fitts conducts a fascinating interview with Whitney Webb regarding Ms. Webb’s writing about transhumanism, but the conversation builds from there—the Great Reset, the takeover of the financial system and solutions that regular people can use now to resist—like Cash Friday.

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