Zero Sum
Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton wants to insist that no matter how hard or unlikely it might be for us to reestablish a decent human society, it is possible, if very difficult, to get there from here.



The Battleground Thanksgiving articles purport to wish us calm and happy feasts, but their cumulative practical effect is to make people want to hole up in their bedrooms planning their purchases at the next day’s sales.

The Smiles of Dictators

The Smiles of Dictators

There is perhaps no more reliable barometer for measuring the degree to which a society has become entrenched in totalitarianism than humor, which bears an inverse relationship to tyranny.

Unbelievable Reality

Unbelievable Reality

Nothing that used to be evidence of reality is trustworthy, thus we are all easily manipulated. The determining factor as to what is real or not is who said it is real, not concrete evidence. It’s as simple as that.

The Hermit of Merrimack River

The Hermit of Merrimack River

River Dave’s wooden, two-level A-frame cabin is located back in the cut of a 73-acre parcel of land along the Merrimack River. He grows his own food there and has solar panels for power and gets his water from a nearby stream.

Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom

Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom

Under our current systems for profit generation, which is the primary driver of human behavior on this planet, making a quality product that lasts a long time instead of quickly going obsolete or turning into landfill will actually drive you into bankruptcy.

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