
Today is a special anniversary: Event 201

by Eric F Coppolino | Oct 18, 2024

Editor’s Note: Before a pandemic was even declared in March 2020, Planet Waves FM was tracking events day-to-day and hour-to-hour. The result was Covid19 News, the first daily publication devoted to the crisis (which ran for 1,185 days). We presented our final report as our master chronology, consolidating events from 2006-2021. We continue to track events and developments related to the crisis (and the many planned revivals) through our network of medical and scientific sources around the world. For a historically-grounded astrological view of January 2020, this is your resource. — efc

Was “covid” planned? To answer that, it might be helpful to look at the planning documents.

On this day in 2019, Event 201 — a global coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise — was staged in New York City, sponsored by Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center.

It may seem innocent enough, indeed, like common sense, to plan for something that had never happened: a worldwide coronavirus outbreak. After all, we have fire drills in schools, even though there’s never a fire.

At no prior time was there a precedent for such an outbreak. For their entire history back to the 1970s, coronaviruses were said to be fragile and potentially responsible for the common cold (even though one had never been isolated or sequenced, much less proven to cause symptoms or be contagious).

While in the fictional scenario it comes from pigs, not a bat flirting with a pangolin, the “mild, flu like signs to severe pneumonia” scenario is established. This is all reported on a fictional TV network called GNN.

Shutting Down Industry and the Internet

“Mitigation measures” include shutting down commerce, shutting the internet to prevent the spread of disinformation, quarantine, a vaccine based on “new technologies,” shortages of supplies, and so on.

All three sponsors of Event 201 would become major players in the “covid” scenario six weeks later, including the WEF (the “covid” brain trust and inventor of the Great Reset), Hopkins (a leading authority on the issue and major player in the 2020 scenario) and Bill Gates (sponsor of MN908947 by Fan Wu et al, the first claimed fraudulent SAS-CoV-2 “viral” sequence).

One participant in the event, George Gao of China’s CDC, co-authors one of the early papers fraudulently claiming isolation of the new virus (the Zhu-Gao paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan. 24, 2020). None of the virus “isolation” papers do any such thing; all rely on metatranscriptomics, or assembling and aligning (sequencing) genetic material from broth of sources and arbitrarily calling it a “virus.”

This is done with use of the wholly discredited PCR device. At no time is there whole, live virus used. Despite a diversity of claims, none has ever been found in the history of medicine. Here is a summary of the virology problem, by Mark Bailey.

Not the Only Coincidence

So it was not merely the event itself that is the coincidence. It’s also everyone and everything surrounding the event, including the discovery of the “viruses” and also the use of censorship to cure it. That part is special.

This was not the only pandemic planning event in October 2019. Two weeks later, Anthony Fauci himself participated in event at the Milkin Institute that detailed the rollout of the mRNA shot and the “rebranding of the flu” so it’s as frightening as AIDS or cancer. I cover this in one of the best Planet Waves FM episodes ever. (Hear alternative version with video of the event here).

In fact the whole month of October 2019 was interesting; you may review the month by looking it up in my chronology.) The “pandemic” was sold as a surprise and nothing anyone could have planned for.

I know this is a matter of concern to many people, and I welcome your dialog and discussion.

Your faithful reporter, still on the story,


Event 201

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