Fake news was invented 500 years ago

Fake news was invented 500 years ago

The parallels between the present day and the witchcraft accounts that flew off the printing presses of 16th-century Europe are all too clear. Today, the hunt has shifted to groups used as scapegoats for the economic deprivation and other ills that blight our societies.

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California Sued Over New “Deepfake” Law

California Sued Over New “Deepfake” Law

Public officials and public figures are subject to the higher standard of defamation (New York Times v. Sullivan.) However, it is not clear that it will suffice for a law with potential criminal liability and a law with sweeping limits on political speech.

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‘Russian Interference’ 3.0

‘Russian Interference’ 3.0

Before breaking down the latest round of “election interference” accusations, let’s look at what Russia’s “sinister” actions amounted to in 2016 and 2020.

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