Media’s Fatal Compromises

Media’s Fatal Compromises

It is no longer enough to tether correspondents to the perspective of the military from whose side they report. We appear to be on the way to having wars fought — huge, bloody, consequential wars — without any witnesses.

The Censorship “Switchboard”

The Censorship “Switchboard”

The report on switchboarding is most chilling when placed within this larger context. The Biden Administration has funded a global effort to score, target, and ban opposing views through an ever-increasing array of allied groups in academia and corporations.

Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn

Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn

Thierry Breton wants Americans to police speech at his say-so? He can put on his tri-cornered hat, sail over here, and make us. Right? Doesn’t anyone have a spine anymore?

Who Ghostwrites Reports for the CCDH?

Who Ghostwrites Reports for the CCDH?

For Ahmed’s CCDH, the researchers remain hidden. Nonetheless, as soon as Imran Ahmed throws these “reports” on CCDH’s website, they get eaten up by journalists looking for an easy story to bang out with a flashy findings.

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