Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’

Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’

Whole of society is a totalizing form of politics. As the name implies, it discards the traditional separation of powers and demands political participation from corporations, civic groups, and other nonstate actors.

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Ritual vs. Porn (Chrono-Politics, Part 5)

Ritual vs. Porn (Chrono-Politics, Part 5)

The modern world entails a “compulsion to authenticity;” the bringing of the self under the reign of the market-economic worldview such that we must produce identities much as we produce anything else.

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Federal Judge Declares Google a Monopolist

Federal Judge Declares Google a Monopolist

While the ruling stops short of detailing the potential penalties Google may face, it raises significant questions about the future operational landscape for Google’s search engine business. An appeal from Google is anticipated.

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WEF Brave New World of 2030

WEF Brave New World of 2030

The entire ‘Great Reset’ program is being implemented by people like you and me who take orders without pondering the significance of their particular order and how it fits into the wider Elite program, just like the person putting together a bullet in a factory doesn’t ponder who will be killed by it.

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