Cancer through another lens

Cancer through another lens

Mark’s argument explains the origin of the disease—one that consistently involves fungi and the suppression of cellular function. He calls this theory the cell suppression theory and argues it could open the door to new ways of looking at, researching, treating and even preventing cancer.

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‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags

‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags

The EPA has developed a “working definition” of PFAS chemicals that excludes thousands of PFAS chemicals that are captured by the definitions used by other scientific bodies. This means more exposure to dangerous chemicals for us, and more profits for chemical and drug manufacturers.

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The fertiliser trap

The fertiliser trap

The era of cheap fertilisers is over. The costs have become too much to bear— both in terms of the financial burden for farmers and public budgets, the severe environmental and health impacts, and the long-term risks to food security.

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Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

The government cannot be trusted to dispense nutrition advice. Not only does Big Food influence government guidelines directly through its financial clout; they dominate the supposed groups of “experts” that the government turns to for input on its recommendations.

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Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory

Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory

A federal court has ruled that a QR code alone is not an adequate GMO disclosure, and will need to be accompanied by a disclosure option accessible to all Americans. Significant problems remain, but this is an important victory.

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