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We shouldn’t be surprised when, once again, we discover that war, far from an impediment to business, actually improves operational margins, increases production, boosts markets and offers white collar criminal enterprises industrial scale profits.
What has slowed progress in our understanding of these complex interactions between energy and matter is the paucity of research in the application of biophysics and quantum biology to medicine.
Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness, or PREP Act, it’s nearly impossible to get compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine injury because everyone from the vaccine maker to the vaccine administrator is immune from liability.
One of the classic ways an abuser controls their prey is to manipulate the environment so that the abused individual begins doubting their own observations regardless of what is occurring in front of them.
Dr. Rogers got off the Bernie train when the Bernie Baby died of SIDS. Apparently kids are cute, adorable, and wonderful campaign props until the pharmaceutical industry murders them and then the Scientific Socialists go right back to covering up iatrogenocide on behalf of the cartel.
A tale of two failed therapies and thousands of people without principles.