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The most unfortunate part of all of this is that the failure of vaccines to prevent disease transmission (while creating asymptomatic carriers) has also been observed with many other vaccinations.
The main goal of gaslighting is to confuse, coerce, and emotionally manipulate your victim into abandoning their own perception of reality and accepting whatever new “reality” you impose on them.
Taking a vaccine that has shown to do very little of what it is trumped up to do, and is in fact quite dangerous at the same time it is touted to be “safe and effective,” borders on superstition.
We and those who came before us will together tear down the oppressors’ prison camps and counting houses so as to clear the path for a free and joyful human future.
Trauma shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we interact with others, our perception of ourselves and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds.
It’s doubtful the U.S. will allow for “doggy bags” to contain actual dog meat, especially after the Anthony Fauci beagle killing spree that caused a massive outcry, but they are moving full steam ahead on incorporating insects into food, and investors are lining up.