Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case

Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case

Pfizer maintains if they submitted fraudulent certifications  to the government, it doesn’t matter if they submitted false statements under penalty of perjury to the government; it doesn’t matter if they lied about the safety and efficacy of the drugs,  mislabeled as vaccines, because the government was in on this with them.

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Cases, Cases, Cases; Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

Cases, Cases, Cases; Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

Too bad so few have taken heed to the words of the man who invented the method that has allowed this global psychological operation to persist. And too bad that Kary Mullis died in late 2019. He would have spoken out against the misinterpretation of PCR test results right from the beginning of this debacle.

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Against Corona-doom

Against Corona-doom

What dwarfs, by orders of magnitude, these merely somewhat bad biological and pharmaceutical threats, is the extremely dangerous public health response to this midlevel pandemic, and the emergence across the West of deeply stupid and terribly powerful technocratic hygiene dictatorships, which threaten to destroy our economies, our lives and our cultures in their single-minded pursuit of a pathogen that just doesn’t matter very much.

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