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For over 20 years in news story after news story they’ve been telling us that only GM can save the banana – and yet again, such claims turn out not to be true, a report by GMWatch recently stated.
In an interview with The Defender, environmental champion Dr. Vandana Shiva shared her perspective on how the degradation of the planet can be reversed by returning to traditional organic farming practices and compassionate community organization.
These devastating economic consequences were not the only major societal shifts ushered in by lockdowns. Our ruling class saw in Covid an opportunity to radically revolutionize society: recall how the phrase “the new normal” emerged almost immediately in the first weeks of the pandemic.
Blame it on the insidious big pharma corruption laid bare by whistleblowers in recent years. Blame it on the endless string of big pharma lawsuits revealing fraud, deception, and cover-ups.
Deep within the FDA’s 400 page justification of their budget estimates are a number of insights on the Administration’s views on some of ANH’s top priorities.
Less than two years after racial justice protests sparked calls to “defund the police,” states and jurisdictions are using pandemic aid to pad already bloated law enforcement budgets.