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Online content isn’t the only or the most significant field that chatGPT and GPT-3 will transform. Fields like law, customer service, content moderation, and software engineering will also undergo massive changes.
From the moment he took office it was clear that Donald Trump was going to continue the practice of his predecessors and continue the revolving door relationship between government and corporations.
From the dawn of civilization, we have been ruled by manipulators. Those who rise to the top of our current civilization have the same qualities as those who rose to the top of the kingdoms and empires of old.
The destiny of humanity is to bring all our gifts and powers into the service of life, to create beauty and wonders, and to witness what life creates through us and around us. It starts with healing the damage done in the Age of Separation.
The Canadian former physics professor says he is assembling a team to investigate the existence of viruses. Eric Coppolino offers historical documents that might facilitate his efforts.
Emails between the U.S. National Toxicology Program and the CDC claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine prevented the release of a long-delayed review on the toxicity of fluoride.
According to OpenSecrets, members of Congress invest more cash in real estate than any other industry, which has been true every year since 2008 when the research group first began tracking Congressmembers’ investments.
Democracy is not a spectator sport. Civic engagement is a real, crucial feature to trying to wrest control from these handful of corporations that control not only our communications landscape, but increasingly our entire civic sphere.
Billionaires (especially those in tech) may propagate the myth of the merit-based American dream, but some of the most dramatic success stories began with a parent using their wealth or connections to give their child the upper hand.
Western civilization is pathologically death-phobic, and modern-day propagandists are able to weaponize this fear of death to manipulate populations into betraying their values.
We have all witnessed the process I have described above thousands of times over the last two years. And I think we should call it what it is — madness. We are dealing with people who are completely mad.
We will reflect at length on the pathways to socialism and the barricades that seek to prevent the world’s billions from going beyond a system that extracts their social labour and promises greatness while delivering the barest minimum of life’s possibilities.