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At any moment one of these “variants” can be plucked from relative obscurity and used to restart lockdowns and mask mandates and the whole pandemic spiel.
Really growing up means doing the hard, earnest work of extracting all the bullshit that was placed in our minds over the course of our lives by people who were just as immature, traumatized and confused as us.
The WEF complains that it has been targeted by “disinformation campaigns” and suggests that criticism of the WEF’s controversial “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” slogan is tied to a “misinformation campaign.”
Nuclear fusion is yet another attempt by those who believe that only a mega-scaled, technology-intensive approach can be a viable alternative to our current fossil fuel-dependent energy infrastructure.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society. There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
A Brief Examination of How Diseases Develop in the Human Body & Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory
The Voice of the System invariably condemns the objects of its hatred as morally bad and connected to everything else that it has already declared to be beyond the political pale.
The revolution we seek does not merely aim to replace the gatekeepers at the top (although we certainly aspire to that as well). We seek a revolution in values and perspectives.
The CIA has proven time and time again that it can’t be trusted. It will simply push the envelope into the realm of illegality if it thinks it can get away with it. And the Congressional oversight committees have proven that they will act as little more than cheerleaders for the CIA.
Sustainable development goals are negotiated between governments. But those governments who have the capacity and the money for doing it didn’t put up the money, are not putting up the money. Because they’re leaving the door open for corporate philanthropies and individual firms to decide how to fund the future needs.
The centralized and authoritarian control of American progressivism by major foundations and the nonprofits that they fund, and the large media institutions, universities, corporations, and banks that disseminate the progressive party line, has made it impossible for there to be public intellectuals on the American center left.
Australia has logged 140,000 COVID jab injuries — more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971 — yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) refuses to look at or acknowledge the safety signal.