International Dark Sky Association Vs. FCC And SpaceX
The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) sued the U.S. Federal Communications Commission over its decision to approve SpaceX’s application for up to 30,000 more low-orbit satellites, in addition to the 12,000 already approved and in process of filling our skies.
What makes a control experiment?
The importance of control experiments cuts both ways. In the same way that a control experiment can save the results of a pseudoscientific experiment from being disregarded, a well-designed control experiment can demonstrate that a particular experiment proves nothing of value whatsoever.
More Than 50 Species of Fish Circling and Spinning Until They Die
The launching of almost 100 satellites by SpaceX and OneWeb on a single day on March 24, 2021 caused illness all over the planet in both humans and animals. Among the effects on animals was a spiraling, or circling phenomenon in worms.
The Defibrillating Fine Art of John Whitehead
If human beings manage to survive this present epoch of technocratic global shock intact, Whitehead’s renderings may well go down in the annals of art history as some of the most prescient documents of the controlled demolition.
A Friendly Chat About “Viral” Genomes
Those who are beholden to the absolute power of genomic data somehow fail to understand a fundamental logical point: you cannot obtain a genome from something that does not exist.
FDA Opens Floodgates to Gen2 Frankenfoods
The agency has released “guidance” to the biotech industry about how to get foods from gene-edited (GE) plants onto your dinner plate, doubling down on bad policies that treat GE foods the same as any other type of food—even though they are anything but. Action Alert!
UK Agency wants to fast-track and greenlight lab-grown meat
In the US where regulations are already more relaxed, only two lab-grown products have so far gone through the approval process and, despite gaining approval, neither is currently available to buy.
Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai‘i: We Are the Experiment
We’re up against heavily funded state and federal government agencies and non-governmental organizations who will stop at nothing to force this reckless biotech insect agenda on these islands.