Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”?
The Science™ is a closed shop where only certain “experts” are deemed credible, usually by each other. Dissent from “the Scientific Consensus™” is actively resisted by non-scientific means. Censorship, personal attacks, denial, ridicule, refusal to debate and so on.
The Era of Informed Consent is Over
This ruling, to be actioned by potentially corrupt scientists, health bureaucrats, and captured health and drug regulators, is another step toward a dystopian future unimaginable just five years ago.
Negotiating Big Pharma’s Prices Won’t Stifle Innovation
The main thing preventing the taxpayers from getting fair drug prices and a return on their investment is the enormous sums Big Pharma has invested in buying the favor of politicians.
The OG no virus movement: The Perth group.
The fact that Montagnier and Gallo did not carry out these simple controls, is not nearly as shocking as the fact that the scientific community was prepared to accept Montagnier and Gallo’s experiments as valid without these controls.
Control Experiments and the Intention to Deceive
In each and every case, the virologists were incapable of distinguishing the results of their controls from those of their main experiment.
$13,000 More Needed by 2/29 to File Appeal to STOP Mosquitoes
We won’t be silenced by these agencies and their biotech industry agenda. The State of Hawai‘i and Birds, Not Mosquitoes are selling out these islands and using sacred land as a testing ground for corporate experiments.
One Health is a Massive Globalist Grantmaking Scam
One Health is basically a managerial cancer. The more people and projects One Health comprehends, the greater its apparent influence and the more profound its incoherence.
Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie”
Climatism also perpetuates an unnecessary culture of alarmism that affects policy, and Hulme explains that the notion of a “climate emergency” did not exist before 2016.