Science And The Rise Of Totalitarianism

Science And The Rise Of Totalitarianism

The cancellation of Professor Norman Fenton’s presentation at the UK’s NHS Health and Care Analytics Conference indicates a deeply disturbing increased level in the censorship of science.

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Virology as Ideology – Part 1: Science and Class Society

Virology as Ideology – Part 1: Science and Class Society

Modern virology and indeed much of modern medical science more generally, is not only just as unmoored from objective reality, but also just as effective and monstrous a vehicle for the most sinister ruling class ambitions, as were the racial theories which justified colonialism and imperialism, slavery and fascism.

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Science! Blessed be Thy Name

Science! Blessed be Thy Name

“For Science so loved the world that it gave its many begotten vaccines so that none might perish but that all who get their vaccines might live till their next booster shot.”

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Trust the Science?

Trust the Science?

Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health.

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