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By the end of his life, Morgan would be hailed as a world-bestriding colossus of American finance, in turns venerated and hated and feared for the vast capital he controlled through his international banking network.
During a rambling, militaristic diatribe, he referred to hijabs as “habibs,” pronounced Chechnya as though he hadn’t heard of the place until twenty minutes before the event, and offered a history of Israel’s creation so cartoonishly propagandistic, it made Alan Dershowitz look like Ilan Pappe.
A House Subcommittee releases internal Facebook correspondence showing how a White House that was itself spreading disinformation tried to ban criticism.
Essentially, they told their computer that masks prevent disease…and then said “ok, computer, since you now know masks prevent disease – what would happen if everybody wore them all the time?”
Every procedure is safe and effective until it is not
So here we are, caught in a vicious cycle of in-fighting and partisan politics, all the while the government—which never stops shaking the jar—is advancing its agenda to lockdown the nation.
Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political, and community leaders.
It’s a simple bargain: The rich get huge tax breaks by donating art, property and company shares to benefit the public. But some donors collect millions while offering little or no public access.