Renewable energy’s progressive halo

Renewable energy’s progressive halo

When you take a look at the dynamics of existing renewable energy production (particularly in the United States) you find that it intensifies and exacerbates all the worst aspects of our highly unequal neoliberal political economy.

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Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation

Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation

In WEF leader Klaus Schwab’s 2020 book Covid-19: The Great Reset he specifically named the Gilets Jaunes in his warning that “social unrest” and a “political and societal backlash against globalization” presented a “sombre scenario” for the interests he represents.

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Cops Incorporating Private Cameras Into RT Surveillance Networks

Cops Incorporating Private Cameras Into RT Surveillance Networks

The model expands police access to personal information collected by private cameras that would otherwise require warrants and community conversation. Because these cameras are privately owned, police can enjoy their use without having to create and follow records retention and deletion policies.

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The Widespread Gene Therapy Problem

The Widespread Gene Therapy Problem

We are in the middle of a perilous transition point in human history. The metastasis of gene therapies from risky, last-ditch solutions for rare genetic abnormalities into mass population experimentation with minimal safety testing is staggering to behold.

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Crypto is a Fraud on the Public

Crypto is a Fraud on the Public

Crypto—a lawless industry that’s making a lot of money and using hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions and lobbying to buy elected officials and other allies, like academics, trade groups, and the media.

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