A Sensible Approach to Handling the Pandemic

A Sensible Approach to Handling the Pandemic

by A Midwestern Doctor | Jun 23, 2022 ike many of you, I firmly believe the COVID-19 pandemic response was horrifically mishandled and was likely worse than having done nothing at all.  In the previous article, I made the case that the cornerstones...

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What Would Have Been the Best Way to Handle the Pandemic?

What Would Have Been the Best Way to Handle the Pandemic?

At this point in time, there is a widespread consensus that the pandemic has been massively mishandled. Many of these mistakes were patently obvious at the time they were made, but the minority who tried to prevent them for all practical purposes was powerless to stop this train wreck.

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The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

Germany is not dispensing with the semblance of democracy. No, the German constitution will remain in effect. It’s just that the revised Infection Protection Act — like the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which granted the Nazi government the authority to issue any edicts it wanted under the guise of “remedying the distress of the people.”

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