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Mr. Mounsey sees allopathic medicine industry and germ theory dogmas as obvious aspects of the path that leads to a charred, jagged and burnt place.
In a video message, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on member states to “bring [the pandemic agreement] to fruition and to support the amendments to the International Health Regulations.
What will happen next is mostly speculation. As pointed out before, the WHA will likely dedicate a good portion of next week to debate “what’s next”, so as not to lose the momentum. It is clear, they will not let go. It is engrained in the character of the Dark Cult that pretends reigning over the world.
The current bird flu fracas is just another Crossroads, U.S.A., a bunch of lies fostered by a dishonest dairy industry taking aim at the competition.
In communities across the U.S., water contains levels of fluoride some experts say could be harm developing brains.
We’re excited to announce the launch of our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. Support our petition calling on YouTube to change its medical misinformation policy to allow free speech about natural health! Action Alert!