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The “anti-disinformation” industry has nothing to do with protecting a gullible public from information that might cause them to make bad or unhealthy choices. It’s about creating and directing a narrative for the purpose of controlling the population and hiding truths that might overthrow the ruling cabal and its plans for a one world government
The Dutch government announced a 25 billion Euro scheme to tackle the emissions. But it didn’t just propose to tackle emissions, instead it wanted to massively reduce the amount of livestock and farmers in the country.
Vaccine mandates guarantee a vaccine market, now and in the future. Mandates put in place today will enforce the uptake of vaccines on the currently required list, plus other vaccines yet to be added.
Every time there’s a mass shooting in America with an AR-15, high-level Democrats line up to proclaim that those weapons should only ever be used to kill impoverished foreigners.
Westbrook — also known as the Ice Age Farmer — said recent challenges around the availability and production of food are the result of a generations-long plan that began with the “Rockefeller takeover of agriculture.”
Some sort of madness has taken hold of people if they are fretting about re-introducing masks for Covid and not worried about the excess thousands of non-Covid deaths.