How PrEP contributed to monkeypox in gay men.
Pharmaceutical industry experiments on children, gay men, and seniors first, and then exports that toxic model to the rest of the population. Pharma absolutely does not care about health.
Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech
Instructions and information was flowing both ways, with CDC sending Twitter a chart of posts it flagged as misinformation, and arranging “Be On the Lookout” meetings taking place on a regular basis, while Twitter would ask CDC for help in weeding out said misinformation.
Fight for Peace Today
All that I ask is that for peace
You fight today, you fight today
So that the children of the world
May live and grow and laugh and play.
We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup
It’s just a matter of time before government agents will know everywhere we’ve been and how long we were at each place by following our shed DNA. After all, scientists can already track salmon across hundreds of square miles of streams and rivers using DNA.
The plan to push more injections targets OB/GYNs
This is a competitive procurement to find the best person for the job to help the CDC spy on pregnant women with regard to who’s getting injected with what so that they can get more and more pregnant women injected.
Tolerant, Peaceful Bonobos: The Model for Human Peacemaking?
It is the bonobos’ peaceful nature and how it relates to the rare ability of humans to show tolerance and cooperate with one another that is the subject of a new study by Harvard primatologists. Bonobos have been dubbed “hippie apes” by researchers due to their harmonious disposition and active sex lives, the Harvard Gazette reported.
Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID
Continued virus evolution and outbreaks could be used as additional excuses to print more money by the central banks. Under this theory, the vaccine passport was merely a gateway device for what would eventually become a central bank digital currency system that would monitor vaccine compliance and institute a social credit score to make sure you were a good citizen.
The CDC Is Sacrificing Children for Big Pharma
The FDA and CDC have sold out America’s children. Once enough people realize what they’ve done, they and the entire childhood vaccine program will be finished, as no one will trust any of the vaccines on the schedule. Already, only 44% of Americans believe what the CDC says.
Punks vs. Posers
Being cool, in this new establishment left’s mind, changed things by itself. To lack coolness was the same as being a townsperson in the film Easy Rider—a gap-toothed nativist, fearful of anyone who thinks differently.
We’ve Been Lied To About Everything That Matters
We’ve spent our whole lives marinating in lies which serve the powerful. We’re deceived into believing our government is basically good, and that it stands in opposition to foreign governments who are pure evil. We’re deceived into believing the way things are is the only way they could possibly be.
CIA Media Manipulation: Former CIA Analyst Mel Goodman
“Writers do tend to lose their sense of skepticism, which you should particularly have dealing with CIA operational people — because their one real skill in terms of tradecraft is manipulating opinion.”
Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design
What is crucially being overlooked by most diagnoses of the current food crisis is how the problem does not lie in a lack of supply, or lack of market integration, but instead in how the food system is structured around power.