Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Orwell Was Right

Orwell Was Right

From free speech to “spheres of influence” to our passion for endless war, we’ve become the doublethinkers 1984 predicted.

Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine

Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine

The California Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee have embraced the Pan Doctrine that is junk-science-eugenic-fascism with the added twist that they want everyone to be chronically ill in order to enrich their largest donors.

The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change)

The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change)

I put “_______” in the title, because so many people automatically scroll past anything with “climate change.” Quite understandably, they think that they know basically what it is going to say, in main message if not in details.

FDA: From Corrupted to Trusted

FDA: From Corrupted to Trusted

Updated March 11, 2022 adding Mr. Roulac’s interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. Until recently, most Americans had little trust in the FDA. But when COVID arrived in early 2020, a scared nation deepened in tribal identity and then turned its faith and trust over to FDA and CDC.

The Great Reset Phase 2: War

The Great Reset Phase 2: War

The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships.

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