Still Open Season on Scientists
This is not an academic dispute, as unless these problems are fixed, next time around, everything will be mandated, from using medicated toothpaste to going into lunar orbit on the basis of opinions, models and observational studies introduced after the policies have taken effect.
Capitalist radicals will shatter the world
For decades, these capitalist radicals surveyed the world for experiments in anarchocapitalism comparable to existing favourites, such as the Wild West or medieval Iceland.
Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game
What constituted a radical departure from capitalist principles in the last financial crisis was not “nationalization” but an unprecedented wave of bank bailouts, sometimes called “welfare for the rich.”
People Can Win
We’ve been trained to think that endless rule by tiny minorities of really horrible people is the natural order of things, but that turns out to be just another lie.
Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend
We’re not talking about whether a specific virus exists, whether or not any viruses exist, or debating terrain vs germ theory. These are interesting and potentially valuable discussions, but not relevant to Covid, as there is no point in debating a cause for something that does not exist.
Secrecy and the NZ Government in the Year of Our Democide
In February 2021 – year 1 A.D. (anno democidii) the Pfizer inoculation was rolled out, approved for use by Medsafe and touted by then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as ‘safe and effective’. Thus began Phase II of the juggernautical war against human autonomy and true health.
The Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA
The cozy relationship between Georgetown and the CIA is not a new phenomenon. In 1980, a student magazine, The Georgetown Voice, published an article discussing what it called a “special relationship” and an “unholy alliance” between the university and the CIA.
Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted
The government and its cohorts have conspired to ensure that the only real recourse the American people have to hold the government accountable or express their displeasure with the government is through voting, which is no real recourse at all.
Disease X: File This Under You Can’t Make This Shit Up
It’s our mission to put a name to Disease X, to help the world prepare, and to prevent it from emerging in humans. Today it’s probably in a forest somewhere miles from the nearest city, but that can change quickly.
Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH
Conflicts of interest and the collusion between government and industry does more than rob us of our hard-earned money. It now threatens our very freedom, as these monopolies are being used to further a totalitarian takeover of global proportions.
The Origins of COVID-19
Unfortunately, many health “freedom” leaders are claiming that this is the smoking gun for gain of function lab leaks. Although, they admit that there has been a huge amount of fraud going on during the scamdemic, why are they propagating virology’s pseudoscience?
Some US Farmers Get Behind Mexico’s GMO Corn Ban
The US has launched a trade dispute against Mexico for seeking to phase out the importation and use of genetically modified corn and glyphosate, a probable carcinogen, on health, environmental and food self-sufficiency grounds.