Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Initial thoughts on Biden’s State of the Union

Initial thoughts on Biden’s State of the Union

Dr. Rogers got off the Bernie train when the Bernie Baby died of SIDS. Apparently kids are cute, adorable, and wonderful campaign props until the pharmaceutical industry murders them and then the Scientific Socialists go right back to covering up iatrogenocide on behalf of the cartel.

Fighting off the Encroachment

Fighting off the Encroachment

We are spurred on in our apparently futile efforts by the certain knowledge that if ever a large part of the crowd wakes up, turns round and heads back in the opposite direction, the stormtroopers will be trampled underfoot as we throng joyously and triumphantly into freedom.

The UN calls for a “code of conduct” on social media

The UN calls for a “code of conduct” on social media

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres spoke about what he called misinformation and disinformation, issues like rights-based approach, renewable energy, and a dire warning about the world being closer than ever to total catastrophe – all mentioned in his speech.

Shouting Covid in a Crowded Theater

Shouting Covid in a Crowded Theater

Challenging foreign policy became treasonous under Wilson, and Biden extended that principle to those who questioned his administration’s public health mandates. In doing so, he divided the country along binary lines, telling his supporters that the enemies of “patriotism” infected their communities.

Government By Panic

Government By Panic

The idea that this celebrated super-weapon (F-22) got its first air-to-air victory shooting down a fucking balloon is as perfect a demonstration of the pitiful mindset of modern American leaders as could be conceived.

“Objectivity Has Got To Go!”

“Objectivity Has Got To Go!”

Polls show trust in the media at an all-time low with less than 20 percent of citizens trusting television or print media. Yet, reporters and academics continue to destroy the core principles that sustain journalism and ultimately the role of a free press in our society.

We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems

We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems

People have a fairly easy time accepting that things are fucked because we are ruled by corrupt assholes. They have a much harder time accepting that we are ruled by corrupt assholes because our corrupt asshole systems will always necessarily elevate corrupt assholes to the top.

It All Began with Fear

It All Began with Fear

The fear mongering catalogued by Dodsworth in her own country found echoes all over the world. Dan Andrews, premier of the Australian state of Victoria, raised the fear bar to new heights in a July 2020 address: “No family. No friends. No holding hands. No goodbyes…”

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