The United States of Paralysis

The United States of Paralysis

Democracies are slain when a tiny cabal, in our case corporate, seizes control of the economy, culture and the political system and distorts them to exclusively serve its own interests.

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The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence

The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence

Despite a list of State atrocities over the lifespan of our human species that is nearly infinite, we here in the post-World War II West, refuse to countenance the idea of a murderous power elite masquerading as government for the good of all.

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Senators Introduce Bill To Create Digital Identity for All Americans

Senators Introduce Bill To Create Digital Identity for All Americans

“The public and private sectors should collaborate to deliver solutions that promote confidence, privacy, choice, equity, accessibility, and innovation. The private sector drives much of the innovation around digital identity and has an important role to play in delivering digital identity solutions.”

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House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds

House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds

When Plaskett writes it was “misinformation” for Taibbi to be “alleging that CISA — a government entity — was working with the EIP to have posts removed from social media,” she herself is engaging in misinformation.

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Macron’s tear gas tour

Macron’s tear gas tour

With hundreds of tooled-up gendarmes ensuring nobody but the invited few got anywhere near him, Macron’s visit to Ganges, like the previous day’s trip to Alsace, hardly spoke of a desire for dialogue.

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CDC director gives misleading testimony to Congress

CDC director gives misleading testimony to Congress

Another astonishing falsehood made by Walensky was her response to Congressman Clyde’s question about the Cochrane review which found that wearing face masks in the community “probably makes little to no difference” in preventing viral transmission.

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The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism

The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism

The rape of the natural world is the phallic invasion of scientism. With its intent to rip out nature’s secrets and mysteries through the masculine assault of force, disguised as curiosity and the quest for knowledge.

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Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech

Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech

The government doesn’t care if you or someone you know has a legitimate grievance. It doesn’t care if your criticisms are well-founded. And it certainly doesn’t care if you have a First Amendment right to speak truth to power.

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