Hedges’ talk at Rage Against The War Machine rally.
What we are demanding on the political spectrum is, in fact, conservative: the restoration of the rule of law. It is simple and basic. It should not, in a functioning republic, be incendiary.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering.
US shot down hobbyists’ $12 balloon in $2M missile attack
US officials acknowledged the Chinese balloon they shot down was likely blown off course by unexpected weather. The US Air Force later spent $2 million using missiles to blow up a $12 hobbyist balloon.
The World Wants to Be Deceived
To see and hear the corporate masked media magicians’ daily reports is to enter a world of pure illusion that deserves only sardonic laughter but sadly captivates so many adult children desperate to believe.
The West’s Betrayal of Freedom
Westerners once endlessly propagandized “freedom” as the ultimate democratic virtue. Now, in fear of revolt, the leaders of these countries are mounting an opposite campaign.
Could Fauci’s Replacement Be Even Worse?
The WHO posted a video on Twitter featuring Hotez, in which he refers to vaccine safety advocates as “anti-science aggressors” and claims “anti-vaccine activism” has become “a major killing force globally.”
Credentialism And The Fate Of Academia
Producing loyal and passive citizens is something our schools do pretty well. The uncritical thinking aspect of this goal serves a purpose and puts in doubt the place of critical thinking in any national curriculum. A nation of critical thinkers would be a dangerous thing.
EPA Is Allowing Poisonous Seeds To Devastate Communities
Seeds coated in pesticides led to the town becoming a virtual Superfund site, but it is astoundingly common for these seeds to be used to grow our food.