How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

By portraying the media as the victims of a “scam,” the actual PSYOP in which the media participated is erased, and their complicity is portrayed as mere “incompetence.”

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California’s Plan to Disappear the Homeless

California’s Plan to Disappear the Homeless

Elected officials continue to turn to draconian measures to disappear homeless people. California is moving ahead with a plan that will allow the state to force the unhoused into court-ordered treatment programs for a period of up to two years – and potentially much longer.

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Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War

Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War

There’s no logical basis for the belief that we’ll get lucky again. Believing nuclear war won’t happen because it didn’t happen last time is a type of fallacious reasoning known as normalcy bias; it’s as rational as believing Russian roulette is safe because the man handing you the pistol didn’t blow his head off when he pulled the trigger.

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