

Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”

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How to End Medical Blindness

How to End Medical Blindness

I invite any critical feedback that will better elucidate a model that explains medical blindness and likewise feedback, particularly from other health care providers, on my proposed solutions to medical blindness.

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Shibboleths: Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms

Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms by Sage Hana | May18, 2022 Alrighty. This will be a living document. As new shibboleths emerge, they will be added to the glossary of terms and thus, de-shibbolethed. After all, it’s not a shibboleth if every *rando can roll in...

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