Ramping up the global inquisition

Ramping up the global inquisition

Criticism of the pharmaceutical-financial complex can credibly be “debunked” by that same system? Highlighting dangers to people’s health is, in itself, “dangerous”? Professionals with the courage to tell the truth as they see it are misleading the public with “extreme fringe” views?

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Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

Currently, democracy has shifted to being “of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations.” Earth democracy calls for a restoration of democracy “of the people by the people for the people,” not only for humans but also for nature.

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When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich

When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich

The hallucinatory insurrection in Brasília emerged from the same dynamic that produced the coup in Peru: ‘centrist’ political forces are funded and brought to power to ensure that their own citizens remain at the rear of the queue, while the wealthy tax-free bondholders of the Global North remain at the front.

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Genetically Engineered Fruit Flies For Fake Meat Production

Genetically Engineered Fruit Flies For Fake Meat Production

“The EntoEngine fly line has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows…. The gene sequence poses no known risks to either humans or animals. Expression of the gene encoding the growth factor is under the control of a gene expression regulator isolated from yeast.”

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Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day

Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day

The promotion of fear has been the prime propaganda tactic of the Deep State. Fear to immobilize the population to do as the propagandists tell us. It’s all about control. The root of all fears is the fear of death, thus the power to assassinate dissidents, wage war, and kill through “medicine” are all employed by the power elites.

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NDS: Imperial Dominance Disguised as Democratic Deterrence

NDS: Imperial Dominance Disguised as Democratic Deterrence

Missing in the NDS — and no surprise here — is any sense that war is humanity’s worst pastime. Even the mass murder implicit in nuclear weapons is glossed over. The harshest realities of conflict, nuclear war included, and the need to do anything in our power to prevent them, naturally go unmentioned.

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A Prison Where The Prisoners Don’t Know They’re In Prison

A Prison Where The Prisoners Don’t Know They’re In Prison

The Orwellian dystopia isn’t some danger that exists in the future; it’s here presently. It just doesn’t look like what Orwell imagined. Our rulers are getting everything they want out of the current dystopia, just as much as they would in societies envisioned by dystopian novelists. 

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Science! Blessed be Thy Name

Science! Blessed be Thy Name

“For Science so loved the world that it gave its many begotten vaccines so that none might perish but that all who get their vaccines might live till their next booster shot.”

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Mike Wallach on the viral delusion

Mike Wallach on the viral delusion

The reality is that there is very little evidence to support the claim that one can “catch” something like, for example, Flu or Chickenpox from somebody. In other words, there is no proper science showing that viruses exist, let alone are contagious.

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