FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal

FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal

The FDA is, and has been, out of control. It approves dangerous, expensive drugs that don’t work, and works to eliminate your access to natural alternatives to those dangerous, ineffective, and expensive drugs.

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No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes

No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes

The time has come to create the basis for a comprehensive judicial process to address the war crimes and crimes against humanity pointed against us. If such a process were to be mounted, then the conditions would be in place to begin discussing a lasting amnesty.

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Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

On a metaphysical level, postanarchists, like all postmodernists, deny that there is any essence behind anything in the world. Nothing in the human mind is innate and there is no such thing as human nature.

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Lettuce-Vectored mRNA Vaccines

Lettuce-Vectored mRNA Vaccines

For some reason, a group of scientists and the National Science Foundation, which is funding their research, feel it would be wise to make lettuce and spinach express proteins from pathogens by giving these plants the mRNA blueprints to work with.

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Homeopathy Bombshell Coming

Homeopathy Bombshell Coming

Why is the FDA focusing on homeopathic medicines that are far safer than the pharmaceutical drugs they approve? We can infer some answers. The FDA gets a large part of its funding from drug company user fees, and for this reason sees Big Pharma as its client.

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