When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

We’re dealing a government that wants to suppress dangerous words—words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption—in order to keep its lies going.

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Roger Waters: A Star And Pro-Palestine At The Same Time

Roger Waters: A Star And Pro-Palestine At The Same Time

In response to his courageous political message, there are people who would say that a guy like him can afford to do this because he is so successful and wealthy, so has nothing to lose. The truth, however, is the opposite. There is no such thing as a person who has nothing to lose.

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Death to the Metaverse

Death to the Metaverse

This infrastructure depends on an ubiquitous 5G or 6G network, meaning we are faced with the depressing prospect of an Earth disfigured by masts, of the air polluted by microwaves and the sky cluttered with satellites.

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