That’s All Folks! (Redux)
Mr. Hopkins wouldn’t be surprised if they draft Hillary Clinton, you know, just to rub it in everyone’s faces, or cancel the constitution on account of the bird flu, or the “global boiling,” or an “anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist insurrection,” and appoint Obama dictator perpetuo.
Who is Running the Country?
The president is simply no longer there, in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out.
Philosopher Kings or New-Age Militarists?
The Pentagon’s supreme confidence in it’s ability and American arms makers to wage future techno-wars has been reinforced by a group of new-age militarists in Silicon Valley.
The Supreme Court Punts on Censorship
In the last two decades we’ve gotten used to the problem of legal challenges to new government programs being shot down precisely because their secret nature makes collecting evidence or showing standing or injury difficult, and Murthy proved no different.
Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy
Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities everywhere of the right to shape their own destinies.
Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden
Presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.
Assange is Free, But Never Forget How the Press Turned on Him
The Wikileaks head is finally out of prison. A look back at some of the comments that kept him inside.
Biden Campaign Launches Task Force to Combat “Cheap Fakes”
The campaign’s spokesperson, Mia Ehrenberg, stated that their goal is to ensure voters are well-informed and not misled by “manipulated” content.
U.N. has ‘plan of action’ to curtail free speech
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the quiet part out loud: All speech contrary to established narratives must be reined in.
A National Cartel Fixing Rental Housing Prices
RealPage – a private equity-owned corporation that creates software programs for property management – is finally responding to allegations it orchestrated a national rent price-fixing cartel that has sent rent prices through the roof.
Cloud Brightening Study in California Is Halted by Local Officials
Researchers had been testing a sprayer that could one day be used to push a salty mist skyward, cooling the Earth. Officials stopped the work, citing health questions.
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