Wikipedia: From Knowledge to Propaganda

Wikipedia: From Knowledge to Propaganda

The examples we showed you about the origins of COVID, Joe Biden and Ukraine, David Frum, Jeffrey Goldberg, about RFK, Jr. totally comport to corporate media narratives and don’t even pretend to be encyclopedias at all.

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The Bidens’ Burisma Bribery

The Bidens’ Burisma Bribery

Seven years ago, the DNC email leak set Russiagate in motion. Now comes FD–1023, an F.B.I. document exposing Biden making fully corrupt use of Washington’s leverage in post-coup Ukraine.

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Shining light on the climate of manipulation

Shining light on the climate of manipulation

The “climate justice” movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a PR tool that will enable them to raid the public purse, under the pretext of a climate “emergency”, and channel trillions of dollars into their own pockets.

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The Profiteers of Armageddon

The Profiteers of Armageddon

Neither the film, Oppenheimer, nor the discussion sparked by it has explored one of the most important reasons for the continued existence of nuclear weapons — the profits it yields the participants in America’s massive nuclear-industrial complex.

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Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief

Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief

By the end of his life, Morgan would be hailed as a world-bestriding colossus of American finance, in turns venerated and hated and feared for the vast capital he controlled through his international banking network.

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RFK Jr. Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel

RFK Jr. Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel

During a rambling, militaristic diatribe, he referred to hijabs as “habibs,” pronounced Chechnya as though he hadn’t heard of the place until twenty minutes before the event, and offered a history of Israel’s creation so cartoonishly propagandistic, it made Alan Dershowitz look like Ilan Pappe.

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The New “Facebook Files”

The New “Facebook Files”

A House Subcommittee releases internal Facebook correspondence showing how a White House that was itself spreading disinformation tried to ban criticism.

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